Foundation Education
August - Weekly Pricing Banner

Take the first step towards your dream job

Get started on your learning journey today with our affordable weekly payment plans.*

Unlock your potential with us

With our flexible weekly payment plans, there’s never been a better time to start studying for your dream career.

So why wait? Speak with a friendly Careers Advisor today to learn more about your vocational study options and our affordable weekly payment plans.*

allied health assistant and young patient

Affordable pricing is just the beginning

Whether you're interested in a career as a Dental Assistant, Teacher Aide, Allied Health Assistant or something else entirely, we’ve got a vocational study option to take you where you want to go.

Weekly Pricing - Certificate III in Dental Assisting

HLT35021 Certificate III in Dental Assisting

Get started today from just $57 per week.*

Weekly Pricing - Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance

HLT43015 Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance

Get started today from just $57 per week.*

Weekly Pricing - Certificate III in Early Childhood Education

CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

Get started today from just $61 per week.*

Weekly Pricing - Certificate IV School-Based Support

CHC40221 Certificate IV in School Based Education Support

Get started from just $57 per week.*

Weekly Pricing - Certificate III in Heath Administration

HLT33115 Certificate III in Health Services Assistance

Get started from just $53 per week.*

Weekly Pricing - Certificate III Business (Medical-administration)

BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Medical Administration)

Get started from just $53 per week.*

August - Weekly Pricing BannerAugust - Weekly Pricing Mobile

Terms and conditions

*Available from 9.00 am AEST on Thursday 1 August 2024 to 5.00 pm AEST on Sunday 1 September 2024. Available on an 18-month payment plan with a minimum $100 deposit. There is a 3.63% (incl GST) transaction fee charged by Debit Success on all Payment Plans. The weekly payment amount is already inclusive of the transaction fee. A $12 Establishment Fee exists on all payment plans, paid in the first instalment. Offer can be changed or withdrawn at any time without notice.​