29 Aug 2019
We've all been in that awkward situation before; we're stuck on something at work, and it looks like we must, ask for assistance.
Well, as it turns out, it doesn't have to be so awkward after all!
If you have trouble asking other team members for help at work, here are some important things to keep in mind:
Asking for a hand is not a sign of weakness, and you should never see it that way. There are always going to be things we don't yet know and asking for help or guidance is how we grow and learn.
If you're feeling overwhelmed, it's easy to panic and forget everything you know. Sit back, take stock of the situation, and try to figure it out for yourself first. Seeking assistance may appear awkward if you ask for help without attempting to find a solution first. However, you won't seem out of place if you've explored multiple avenues and still require a fresh perspective.
You may feel like asking for help is a massive inconvenience to your co-workers, but the truth is, that most people feel good helping others. Another approach is to make sure you offer help when you can. When it is your time to ask a favour, you won't feel so bad about it as you know you also do everything in your power to assist others.
Here's some hot career advice: your colleagues will be less inclined to help you if you've had ample opportunity to meet your deadline, so make sure you spend your time at work actually working! Some more on time-wasting: don't take too long to try to figure out where you went wrong. If time is of the essence and you really can't figure out a solution, ask for help, so you have time to work on the problem together without rushing.
It might sound like a no-brainer, but it's a big thing for some people to admit they aren't quite in control of the situation and they need help. If you find yourself falling into this category, it's good to remember that requesting assistance doesn't always mean you lack the knowledge or skill required but that sometimes the deadline is just too tight. It's not necessarily anyone's fault in this situation, but you need to do the best you can.
If you are in a leadership position you may be conscious of looking vulnerable in front of your team. No one wants their staff to think less of them; therefore, asking for a hand can be intimidating. The best thing about being in charge is that you can always delegate tasks to someone else or suggest to one of your employees that you work on the project together.
Asking for help makes you a stronger person and a good role model for other employees so next time you think you might need help, go ahead and bravely stick your hand up as necessary. You might even impress your bosses and get yourself promoted!
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